Sunday, August 26, 2012

Progress Saturday...A day late

We weighed in yesterday as usual, but time flew by the rest of the day so I didn't post the results.

Will weighed in at 314 lbs.  He lost 3 pounds this week, and he's lost a total of 35 pounds since we changed our lives 6 weeks ago.

I weighed in at 175 lbs.  After no change last week, I was very happy to see the 2 pound decrease!  I've lost a total of 14 pounds since we started.  I'm started to see and feel differences in my body, and it feels so good.  My clothes fit so much better, and I can look in the mirror without feeling total disgust most of the time.

This week has been full of portion control and exercise.  This week will be more of the same, and hopefully I can step it up at the gym more this week.

Eat clean, exercise dirty!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Little technology...Big difference

Monday night when we were leaving the gym I purchased an early birthday present for myself, a Fitbit. I love new gadgets, but this one has made a bigger difference than I could've imagined.

It measures the number of steps you've taken:

 the number of flights of stairs you've climbed:

the number of miles you've walked:

and the amount of calories you've burned:

 It also shows you how active you've been in the past 3 hours by the number of petals on a flower (up to 12 petals...I need to walk more!):

It's so small and can clip on your pants, bra, shirt, or even just placed into your pocket. 

It also records your sleep patterns at night.  It uploads wirelessly to a personalized webpage for you and calculates how many calories you can consume based on calories you've burned to lose your goal weight each week.  You can input your caloric and water intake on the webpage as well.    It has pretty graphs that show your activity level throughout the day and your sleep patterns at night, including how many times you woke up.  There's also an iPhone app that shows all of the things the webpage does, and I do love new apps! 

It came with a comfortable wrist band to use at night for sleeping and a clip that can be used for thicker materials than the Fitbit can clip on to (like my comfy pj pants that tie at the top).  It also came with a USB charger which rarely has to be used since it holds a charge for at least 3 full days and reportedly up to a week.  I've used it a day and a half and still have almost a full charge so I believe that it could easily last a full week.


Yesterday was my first day to wear it all day and night, and it's so addicting!!  I'm constantly looking at it to see how many steps I've taken and calories I've burned.  I check the webpage more than I check Facebook.  It's satisfying to see my calorie deficit throughout the day.  Times when I would otherwise be sitting around, I find myself walking around instead to see how high I can get my activity level.

Since I work in an office all day and have few opportunities to be active, this is a great motivator to get off the couch at night!  I highly recommend a Fitbit for absolutely anyone.  If you're needing motivation, this will definitely help!

Eat Clean, Exercise Dirty!

Monday, August 20, 2012


Two days of gyming it and I'm loving it!  Tonight's workout was harder, but that just made it even more rewarding.  I'm already obsessed with eating clean, and I sense a new obsession in going to the gym.

This is going to work.  I'm going to be healthy and fit for the first time in my life.  I can really feel it this time.  I'm not saying there won't be hard days, but nothing is stopping me now.  I AM DOING THIS!

I did take a break from obsessing today to book our trip to Texas for Christmas WOOOO HOOO!  I'm so excited!  My grandparents were ecstatic when I called them to tell them.  Two full weeks to spend with my family!

Eat Clean, Exercise Dirty!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Motivation...Feeling Pumped

After breakfast this morning, I renewed my 24 Hour Fitness membership, and after lunch we're hitting the gym for some weight training!

I'm excited!  Here's some motivation if anyone needs it:

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Saturday...Progress Day

Will and I always weigh on Saturdays after we get our grocery shopping for the week done.  

This week's weigh in results:
Will down 4 pounds (now 317 lbs)
Me no change from last week (177 lbs) - BUT I didn't gain weight.

I'll admit I ate too much a few times this week.

My goals this week:
Control portion sizes
Start going to the gym 5 days a week starting tomorrow

I'll be posting picture updates every 4 weeks.  Here are the pictures of us today.

Yes, Will is sticking his tongue out.  He's so silly :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Pizza....Yes, We Eat Pizza!!

This meal deserves it's own post because it's my favorite so far.  It all started with this:

This is Leafy (named by Will), our new basil plant that Will's mom gave us.  She had a lot of leaves so we decided to make Pesto!  Then we had to do something with the pesto, and I wasn't really feeling pasta that night so we decided to make pizza instead.

We found a clean pizza crust at Whole Foods and topped it with our pesto, fresh mozzarella, grilled chicken, mushrooms on my side, and olives on his side.  Here's the finished result:

Next time we'll use about half of the olive oil that we used in the pesto this time, but it was so good!  I highly recommend!

Clean Meals...Pleasant Surprise

When we began eating clean I was worried the food would taste bland and we'd be stuck eating dry chicken and brown rice all the time.  We found a lot of great recipes, and everything we've made so far has been flavorful and moist and delicious except one for pancakes.  I've found several other pancake recipes that I'm going to try that I think will be better though.

Here are some of the meals that I took pictures of in the past month.

This is Cilantro Lime Shrimp found here, Quinoa with Asian Flavors found here but made with Tamari (low sodium) instead of soy sauce, and mixed veggies.

 This is Baked Fried Chicken found here that we modified (use oat flour and a mixture of garlic powder, chili powder, dry mustard, ginger, and nutmeg to replace the Season All) and Roasted Vegetables with rosemary and olive oil.

Apple-Cinnamon Steel Cut Oats that I eat for breakfast every morning.  Here's the recipe.  It's so much tastier than what it looks like.

Chocolate Protein Bars found here.

I'll be sharing a lot more recipes later.  These are just the ones I have pictures of right now.